Darry - A ChatGPT powered customer service bot


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Providing good customer support is one of the most important but also challenging aspects of running a successful business. 24/7 human support can be cost prohibitive and difficult to scale. The emergence of conversational LLMs over the last few months can be seen as a potential solution.

Companies have been using chatbots for years now to provide instant answers to common questions and reduce the load on their human service staff. My first experience with machine learning was building a chatbot for a customer service use case during an internship in 2017, where I trained my model using TensorFlow 1.0 and a large unprocessed dataset of tweets and their replies.

The technology has come a long way since then, and now we can build a much more capable chatbot in a few hours without requiring a large dataset or specialized hardware. This project demonstrates how to use ChatGPT as a customer service bot without any training or fine-tuning, by carefully tuning the prompts to the model to make it function in the desired manner.


Since this post became more of a tutorial than a showcase of the project, you can see the important points below:

  1. We can use the ChatGPT API to build a zero-shot customer service bot.
  2. Instructions on how to behave in a conversation can be provided to the model using a system prompt.
  3. We can enable the model to interact with the company database by defining functions that the model can call.
  4. By carefully tuning the system prompt, we can create a chatbot that can answer most of the questions asked by customers.
  5. Current zero-shot models still have limitations, so we have also given the model the ability to transfer the chat to a human operator if it is unable to resolve any issues.
  6. Some ways of improving the model are -
    1. Using a more capable model like GPT-4.
    2. Fine-tuning the model on a dataset of conversations between customers and customer service agents.
    3. Creating mechanisms to break down complex queries into simpler ones (chain of thought prompting).
  7. An example conversation of a customer with the model can be found here.
  8. The complete code for this project can be found in the Colab notebook linked at the top of this page. You would need to provide your own API key to run the code.



Most people are familiar with the web interface of ChatGPT, where you can chat with the model using a text-based interface. OpenAI also provides an API that can be used to interact with the model programmatically.

You can use the API by creating an OpenAI account and generating an API key. Using the API is not free, but OpenAI provides some free credits to get started.

Chat roles

When you interact with ChatGPT on the web interface, your messages are sent with an implicit role of user. When the model replies, the reply is sent with the role of assistant. Every time you send a message to the model, all the previous messages in the conversation with their respective roles are sent to the model as part of the context.

When using the API, we also have the option to set a system prompt with the role of system that tells the model how it should behave in the conversation before handing over the conversation to the user.

Finally, the model can also make function calls during the conversation. The names and descriptions of the functions that the model can call are provided as JSON objects to the API call. The developer can then parse these messages and appropriately provide the results of these function calls to the model. These responses to function calls are sent to the model using a special role of function.


Setting up the system prompt

This is the most important part of setting up the chatbot, especially when we are not doing any additional fine-tuning on the model, and requires a lot of experimentation to get right. This process is called “prompt engineering”.

I used this short course by DeepLearning.AI to learn about some tricks to quickly iterate and improve the prompts given to the model.

In this project, we will use the following system prompt:

You are a helpful Customer Support AI Assistant called Darry the AI Bot, or Darry for short. Your job is to provide support for customers of the US-based e-commerce website Bamazon Shopping.

You will first receive a message from the system with a JSON formatted list of name-value pairs containing some relevant information about the customer, which you can reference during the conversation.

Then, you will start chatting with the customer. You should first greet the customer, mention that you are an AI customer support agent, and then ask them how you can provide support to them. You should chat with the customer in a brief and professional manner with a natural and polite tone.

During the chat, you can make function calls to request additional information. If you need some information that is not provided by one of the available functions, you can call the sys_request function to make a query in natural language that will be processed by a human operator.

Finally, after resolving the customer issue, thank them for their patience and apologize for any inconvenience that was caused to them. Once they have responded to the thank you message, you must call the chat_complete function with an analysis of the chat, to let the system know that that chat is over.

Function calls

Recently, OpenAI added a new feature that allows the model to make function calls during a conversation. This is a very powerful feature that allows the model to retrieve live information and interact with other systems.

In our case, we can use this feature to allow our model to query the company database, transfer the chat to a human operator if it is unable to resolve the issue and perform sentiment analysis on the chat to provide feedback to the system.

We will provide the descriptions of the functions as a parameter during the API call. A function call comes in a different format from a normal message. The function descriptions are provided to the model as a JSON object (see OpenAI documentation on function calling for more details).

For example, we can define a function that can be used to check if a product is available for shipping to a particular city in a particular state as follows:

    "name": "is_shipping_available",
    "description": "Whether items can be shipped to city `city_name` in state `state_code`. Returns \"True\" or \"False\"",
    "parameters": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "city_name": {
                "type": "string",
                "description": "The city, e.g. San Francisco"
            "state_code": {
                "type": "string",
                "description": "The two-character state code, e.g. CA"
        "required": ["city_name", "state_code"]

In our case, we have similarly defined the following functions:

  1. is_shipping_available: Check if the product is available for shipping to a particular city in a particular state.
  2. get_order_status: Get the status of an order.
  3. check_refund_available: Check if an order is eligible for a refund.
  4. get_product_details: Get details of a product.
  5. get_product_suggestions: Get suggestions for products in a particular category.
  6. sys_request: Make a query in natural language to a human operator.
  7. request_transfer_to_human: End the current chat and transfer to a human support expert.
  8. chat_complete: Call this function with the analysis of the chat when the chat with the customer is over.

The complete descriptions of these functions can be seen in the Colab notebook linked at the top of this page.


We have described the functions that the model can call, but we also need to implement these functions to provide the results to the model. Since we are focusing on the implementation of the chatbot, we will use a simple database with Pandas DataFrames as tables with a few rows of data.

There is the orders table that contains the order_status and refund_available columns for each order_id. The products table contains the product_name, product_type, and product_price columns for each product_id. Whenever the model calls one of the functions, the appropriate function is called with the parameters provided by the model and uses these tables to provide the results back to the model.

Chatting with the model

The chatbot generates a response to the customer by making an API call to the ChatGPT model. We need some boilerplate code to handle sending the requests in the correct format and parsing the responses from the model, as well as handle any function calls made by the model or errors that might occur during the conversation.

We accomplish this by creating an Assistant class that handles all the interactions with the model. This class holds the context of the conversation and has methods to send messages to interact with the model. At the core of this class is the _prompt method that sends a message to the model and returns the response.

def _prompt(self, msg:Message | FunctionResponse)->Message | FunctionCall:
    # Get the response. Keep retrying until success
    success = False
    while not success:
            ast_result = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
                model = self.model_name,
                messages = self.current_chat + [msg.formatted],
            self._n_prompt_tokens += ast_result['usage']['prompt_tokens']
            self._n_completion_tokens += ast_result['usage']['completion_tokens']

            success = True
        except ServiceUnavailableError:
            logging.warning(f'Service not available. Retrying after {self.retry_wait_time} s.')

    # Parse the response
    ast_response = ast_result['choices'][0]
    assert ast_response['message']['role'] == 'assistant', \
        f'Prompt response must be from `assistant`, not `{ast_response["message"]["role"]}`'

    if ast_response['finish_reason'] == 'stop':
        ast_txt = ast_response['message']['content']
        logging.debug(f'Prompt response (text): {ast_txt}')
        return Message(Role.ASSISTANT, ast_txt)
    elif ast_response['finish_reason'] == 'function_call':
        ast_fc_params = ast_response['message']['function_call']
        logging.debug(f'Prompt response (func call): {ast_fc_params}')
        return FunctionCall(Role.ASSISTANT, ast_fc_params)
        raise UnknownResponseError(f'Messages with `finish_reason`==`{ast_response["finish_reason"]}` cannot be parsed yet.')

Using this method we can implement a chat method that the user can call to start a chat with the model.

def chat(self, text_prompt:str)->str:
    usr_prompt = Message(Role.USER, text_prompt)

    ast_reply = self._prompt(usr_prompt)
    self._append_exchange(usr_prompt, ast_reply)

    # assistant calls functions until it has all the info it needs
    while isinstance(ast_reply, FunctionCall):
        func_response = self._function_processor(ast_reply)
        ast_reply = self._prompt(func_response)
        self._append_exchange(func_response, ast_reply)

    # finally it returns a response to the user
    if isinstance(ast_reply, Message):
        return ast_reply.text

    # any other type of response is invalid
        raise TypeError(f'Unknown prompt reply type: `{type(ast_reply)}`')

    reply_for_user = self._get_reply(ast_reply)
    return reply_for_user

Now, we can inherit from this class to create a CustomerSupportAssistant class that implements the functions that the model can call, and handle any processing that needs to be done before or after the conversation with the customer.

class CustomerSupportAssistant(Assistant):

    def __init__(self, model_name:str, sys_processor:SysProcessor, *,
            sys_txt:str=None, retry_wait_time:float=5, functions:list=None):
        super().__init__(model_name, sys_txt=sys_txt,
            retry_wait_time=retry_wait_time, functions=functions)
        self.sys_processor = sys_processor
        self._status = 'In progress'


    def _function_processor(self, func_call:FunctionCall)->FunctionResponse:
        func_name = func_call.params['name']
        func_kwargs = json.loads(func_call.params['arguments'])
        func_response = getattr(self.sys_processor, func_name)(**func_kwargs)
        return FunctionResponse(Role.FUNCTION, func_name, func_response)

The complete code for the Assistant and CustomerSupportAssistant classes, as well as all the helper classes and functions can be found in the colab notebook linked at the top of this page.

Finishing the chat

The chat with a customer is considered complete when the customer issue is resolved, and the model calls the chat_complete function with an analysis of the chat after thanking the customer for chatting with them. The chat can also end if the model calls the request_transfer_to_human function (perhaps at the request of the customer) to transfer the chat to a human operator.


Let’s look at a typical example of a conversation that the model might be expected to have with a customer. Before the start of the chat, the model is given information about the customer and their order as a JSON formatted string:

    "customer": {
        "name": "Mike P", 
        "account_type": "Individual", 
        "city": "Albany, NY", 
        "account_age_months": 14
    "order": {
        "order_id": 10045, 
        "product_id": 51034, 
        "payment_type": "Credit Card"

Using this information, the model can greet the customer and start the conversation:

Assistant: Hi Mike! How can I assist you today?

Customer: Hi I ordered some stuff hasnt arrived yet, but the app says delivered

Assistant: I apologize for any confusion or inconvenience caused. It seems that the status of your order is showing as delivered. However, if you have not received your order, I understand your concern. Could you please provide me with some more details about the order so that I can assist you further?

Customer: I ordered an electric toothbrush. supposed to come 3 days ago but didnt come. now today its showing delivered. I never got it though

Assistant: I apologize for the confusion. It seems that the product you ordered is a “Fefenex 32” HD TV” and not an electric toothbrush. I apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Regarding the delivery status, if the tracking information shows that the item has been delivered but you haven’t received it, there could be a few possibilities. Sometimes, the carrier marks a package as delivered before it actually arrives. In such cases, the package may still be in transit and should be delivered soon.

However, if you believe that the package is genuinely missing, I recommend reaching out to the carrier directly to inquire about the delivery status. They might be able to provide more information or initiate an investigation to locate the package.

If you need any further assistance, please let me know.

Customer: Oh yes I see the electric toothbrush is a different order. so I should wait some more time for order to arrive?

Assistant: Yes, I would recommend waiting a little longer for the order to arrive. Sometimes, there can be delays in the delivery process due to various reasons such as weather conditions, logistical issues, or high package volume.

I understand that it can be frustrating not receiving your order on time, but in most cases, the package arrives within a few days after the expected delivery date. I recommend keeping an eye on the tracking information and checking your mailbox or any secure delivery locations at your address.

If the package still doesn’t arrive within the next few days or if you have any other concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help you.

Customer: Ok so if it still doesnt come after some days I’ll get a refund?

Assistant: I apologize for the inconvenience, but it seems that your order is not currently eligible for a refund. Typically, refund eligibility depends on various factors such as the return policy of the seller and the specific circumstances surrounding the order.

However, if the package does not arrive within a reasonable timeframe and you have exhausted all other options, please contact our customer support team. They will assess the situation and assist you further with the issue, including exploring the possibility of a refund or reshipment.

Is there anything else I can assist you with?

Customer: Ok thanks. nothing else for now

Assistant: You’re welcome! If you have any further questions or need additional assistance in the future, feel free to reach out. We’re here to help. Thank you for contacting Bamazon Shopping, and have a great day!

Customer: Ok thanks. Bye!

System: Chat has been marked complete by AI. Thank you for chatting with us.

Finally, the assistant performs sentiment analysis on the chat and provides feedback to the system. The feedback for this conversation provided by the assistant:

    "issue_resolved": "True", 
    "customer_satisfaction_level": "Positive"

Capabilities and limitations

As you can see, the model can understand the context of the conversation and provide a relevant response by retrieving information from the database.

  1. Based on the order number, the model is able to retrieve order details and inform the customer that their order is marked as delivered.
  2. The model is able to retrieve the product details and inform the customer that they ordered a TV and not an electric toothbrush.
  3. The model can to retrieve the refund eligibility status of the order and inform the customer that their order is not currently eligible for a refund.
  4. Once the customer issue is resolved, the model thanks the customer and ends the chat. The model is also able to perform sentiment analysis on the chat and provide feedback to the system.

All of this was accomplished without the customer having to wait for a human operator to be available, and in a cost-effective manner for the company. Based on the prices at the time of writing, this entire conversation cost about $0.02 and would be even cheaper on a larger scale.

However, most of the responses by the model are quite generic in their tone and content, and also quite long. Many of these shortcomings can be addressed by tuning the system prompt to provide more specific instructions to the model and discourage undesirable behavior. The model can also be made more capable by breaking down complex queries into simpler ones using chain of thought prompting.

In conclusion, we see how ChatGPT can be quickly adapted to a customer service use case and provide reasonably good results without any fine-tuning. However, there is still a lot of room for improvement, and the model’s behavior depends heavily on the system prompt, which requires a lot of experimentation to get right.


  1. ChatGPT API Reference
  2. ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers - DeepLearning.AI
  3. Chain-of-Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models